
Making Things Easier

Data comes from People, Process, Technology. If your data doesn't look right...

I can help With

Systems implementation and data migrations, including planning, testing, implementation and assurance.

Product, Supplier, and Customer data quality and deduplication.

Data classifications and hierarchies to improve reporting and business intelligence capabilities.

Comparing how a business does things to system set-up and making business systems work better for the business.

Improving business reporting through classifications and hierarchies that support analytics and AI.

Data strategies, establishing what data needs to look like in order to achieve business objectives.

Risk and compliance, including GDPR and PECR. What to do, how to do it, what not to do, and what to do if something goes wrong.

Financial controllership and revenue protection, including understanding of cost to serve and cost of revenue.

“Dah de dah de daah....”

– Someone

Success stories

“Blah Rhubarb Blah!”

– Someone else

By looking at how things are and understanding how they got that way, we can understand the things we need to do to deliver change.